第一章 单元测试

Mark √ for True or × for False according to video 1.1.( )According to Collins Dictionary, logic is a method of reasoning that involves a series of statements, not each of which must be true even if the statement before it is true. That is to say, in order to reason a valid result, /the preconditions of the reasoning have to be valid as well.
答案: 【

Mark √ for True or × for False according to video 1.3.( )Sentences that contain supporting details are all after the sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph, i.e. the topic sentence.
答案: 【

Mark √ for True or × for False according to video 1.3.( )When reading for supporting details, they usually consist of specific or concrete information, e.g. facts, statistics, examples and anecdotes, rather than general or abstract ideas.
答案: 【

Mark √ for True or × for False according to video 1.4.( )When composing a thesis statement, it has to contain an essay’s topic and presents the writer’s attitude, opinion, idea or point about the topic.
答案: 【

Which statement is not true when supporting the topic “moviegoing is a problem”with specific details?( )
A:Tempting snacks.
B:Other moviegoers.
C:Inconvenience of going out.
D:Moviegoing is not an easy thing.
答案: 【Moviegoing is not an easy thing.

第二章 单元测试

According to the Text B, what is the real meaning of beauty? ( )(1) It’s not about looking good during _______________, or _____________________ ;(2)It’s a growth process, a transformation of self through __________ and _________;(3)It’s about _________ and __________;(4)It’s an ____________ and _____________.
A:social interaction, psychological perfection; meaning, being real; emotional, spiritual walk; awareness; learning.
B:social interaction, psychological perfection; emotional, spiritual walk; meaning, being real; awareness; learning.
C:awareness, learning; social interaction, psychological perfection; meaning, being real; emotional, spiritual walk;.
D:social interaction, psychological perfection; awareness, learning; meaning, being real; emotional, spiritual walk.
答案: 【social interaction, psychological perfection; awareness, learning; meaning, being real; emotional, spiritual walk.

In the work "The Book of Songs" , 《卫风.硕人》, a poem writes, “…Ah, dark on white her speaking eyes, Her cheeks with smiles and dimples glow.” The “glow” means: to look attractive because you are happy or healthy, especially with eyes that are shining. Choose the one that can best illustrate the meaning. ( )
A:The children's faces were glowing with excitement.
B:When we got back from our walk in the snow, my whole body was glowing.
C:She felt a warm glow of satisfaction.
答案: 【The children's faces were glowing with excitement.

Which of the following does not belong to the saying “Who we are is what our state of being is” ( )
A:True beauty is a growth process of inner beauty, or the emotional and spiritual development of self.
B:Attaining the highest degree of your beauty is about looking good during social interaction, or physical perfection.
C:It calls for an active mindset to focus on happy and positive things so that we can perceive and appreciate the beauty around us.
D:The challenge is to be conscious enough to be positive so that we are happy and joyful all the time.
答案: 【Attaining the highest degree of your beauty is about looking good during social interaction, or physical perfection.

“Attaining the highest degree of your beauty is not about looking good during social interaction, or physiological perfection, and you can't get there via technology. It's a growth process, a transformation of self through awareness and learning. It's about meaning, and being real. It's an emotional and spiritual walk, and it requires faith fueled with liberal doses of loving kindness.”Which of the following examples can best explain “fueled” in the statement above? ( )
A:The president's speech fueled speculation that she is about to resign.
B:Don't open a door or you could fuel the flames.
C:We have a gas-fueled heating system.
D:Gasoline may have been used to fuel the fire.
答案: 【The president's speech fueled speculation that she is about to resign.

Skimming is a reading technique meant to look for main or general ideas in a text, without going into detailed and exhaustive reading. In skimming, a reader reads only important information, but not everything. To get a gist of the text, a skimmer reads the introductory paragraph, the topic sentences of paragraphs, and notices pictures, graphs, charts, titles, headings, subheadings, italicized and boldface words, and their illustrations, and makes a mental picture of the text after viewing this information. ()
答案: 【