第一章 单元测试

In Mona Lisa Smile, what is Miss Watson's aim in choosing a painting outside the syllabus?
A: To encourage independent thinking.
B: To show the grotesqueness of the painting.
C: To accept critics' ideas.
D: To invite comments from textbooks.
答案: 【 To encourage independent thinking.】

In Mona Lisa Smile, Miss Watson did't come to Wellesley to fit in. She came to ____________.
A: show off
B: make a fortune
C: flex her muscles
D: make a difference
答案: 【 make a difference】

In Mona Lisa Smile, who stars Katherine Watson?
A: Ginnifer Goodwin
B: Kirsten Dunst
C: Julia Stiles
D: Julia Roberts
答案: 【 Julia Roberts】

In Mona Lisa Smile, which of the following is NOT true about Miss Watson?
A: She has obtained her PhD in UCLA.
B: She has liberal views and feminist values.
C: She is an extraordinary and aggresive woman.
D: She is an unorthodox and foward thinker.
答案: 【 She has obtained her PhD in UCLA.】

Which is NOT true about Betty Warren?

Her happy marriage proves the success of women's education in the 1950s.

B:Her self-awareness is gradually awakened.

C:She is critical of Miss Watson on several occasions.

D:She is an influential and conservative girl before meeting Miss Watson.

答案: 【Her happy marriage proves the success of women's education in the 1950s.

Which statement about Joan Brandwyn is true?

She gives up going to Yale Law because Yale did not accept female students.

B:She gives up going to Yale Law because her boyfriend objects.

C:She gives up going to Yale Law out of her free will.

D:She gives up going to Yale Law after discussions with her parents.

答案: 【She gives up going to Yale Law out of her free will.

What does Miss Watson want to tell her students in the lecture on Van Gogh?

To be their true selves.

B:To paint like impressionists.

C:To paint whatever they see and feel.

D:To conform to the tradition.

答案: 【To be their true selves.

What is the cultural background of women schooling in the 1950s in the US? All are true except ___________.

American society in the 1950s was geared toward the family.

B:The dominant ideologies of the middle class for women are to become good wives and mothers.

C:To awaken students' self-consciousness and guide them in seeking their true selves.

D:The related curriculum is to make them more attractive in the marriage market.

答案: 【To awaken students' self-consciousness and guide them in seeking their true selves.

Where does the story take place?
A: Wiley College.
B: Stanford University.
D:Wellesley College.
答案: 【Wellesley College. 】

From the movie and the teaching videos, we may learn that the value of higher education lies in _______.1) pursuing knowledge and truth2) broadening vision3) developing critical thinking4) awakening spirits and self-consciousness5) personal fulfillment

1) 3) 4) 5)

B:1) 2) 3) 5)

C:1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

D:1) 2) 3) 4)

答案: 【1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

第二章 单元测试

Which statement about fashion is NOT true?
A:Fashion is not only about beautiful clothes, costumes and accessories.
B:Fashion is a way of showing one's personality and individuality.
C:Fashion is defined by fashion designers.
D:People can know about new fashion trends from websites.
答案: 【Fashion is defined by fashion designers.】

Why does Miranda look hard at Andrea's shoes?

Because Andrea wears a pair of unconventional high heels.

B:Because the shoes come from a top fashion brand.

C:Because Miranda cannot put up with her assistant being out of date.

D:Because it's a pair of shoes Nigel offers Andrea.

答案: 【Because Miranda cannot put up with her assistant being out of date.

Which statement is the most appropriate?

Andrea goes to Nigel to slander Miranda.

B:Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she quit her job.

C:Andrea goes to Nigel to quit her job.

D:Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she have a right attitude toward her job.

答案: 【Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she have a right attitude toward her job.

Which statement is TRUE?

A trident is a spear for hunting and also a military weapon.

B:When analyzing a film character, detailed information can be ignored.

C:Career ladder is a metaphor for job promotion, typically describing the progression from entry level positions to higher levels of pay, skill, responsibility, or authority.

D:Anne Hathaway is lauded as the "best actress of her generation".

答案: 【Career ladder is a metaphor for job promotion, typically describing the progression from entry level positions to higher levels of pay, skill, responsibility, or authority.

In The Devil Wears Prada, having no interest in the fashion industry, why does Andrea still want to work for Miranda?
A: Because it's a job millions of girls kill for.
B: Because if she sticks it out for one year, she can do what she came to New York to do.
C: Because she wants to become a dragon lady like Miranda.
D: Because she needs money for rent.
答案: 【 Because if she sticks it out for one year, she can do what she came to New York to do.】

Which is NOT one of Andrea's sacrifices for working at Runway?
A: Money

The time devoted to more meaningful things

C: Friendship
D: Love
答案: 【 Money】7、单选题:
In The Devil Wears Prada, whom is Miranda Priestley said to be based on in reality?
A: Vera Wang.
B: Anna Wintour.
C: Melinda Gates.
D: Oprah Winfrey.
答案: 【 Anna Wintour.】

Which statement is NOT true?

Andrea's job is the one that millions of girls kill for.

B: The reason why Miranda hires Andrea as her second assistant is because she thinks highly of Andrea.
C:The word lapis is originated from French.

D:Andrea believes that the fashion industry is a waste of time, money and energy.

答案: 【 The reason why Miranda hires Andrea as her second assistant is because she thinks highly of Andrea.】9、单选题:
Which phrase can best describe Miranda?

Vicious tongue.

B:Snow Queen.

C:Dragon Lady.

D:Vicious witch.

答案: 【Dragon Lady.

Why does Andrea choose to leave Runway?

Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she decides to listen to her inner voice.

B:Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she has had enough of Miranda.

C:Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she wants to win her boyfriend back.

D:Andrea chooses to leave Runway because there is a better offer.

答案: 【Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she decides to listen to her inner voice.


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